Illumina Linear UGR<20 LED High Bays

Illumina Linear UGR<20 LED High Bays

The Illumina Linear offers a sleek design coupled with high performance. Perfect for high ceiling warehouses, industrial facilities, exhibition centres, shopping centres, sports halls & stadiums.
7 Year
Life Hours
2 Year
On-Site Warranty
Genuine Replacement
The Illumina Linear UGR High Bay is a genuine replacement for up to 400W Metal Halide.
Sensor Versions Available
We offer Plug-In PIR and Microwave Sensors to accompany the Illumina Linear UGR High Bay.
Perfect for Low Glare Sports
The Illumina Linear UGR High Bay is specially designed for low glare sports and warehouse lighting.
Emergency Versions Available
The Illumina Linear UGR High Bay is available in emergency.