General 2023 BELL Lighting Roundup
Date Posted 03 January 2024

2023 was another fantastic year for BELL Lighting, with a host of notable accomplishments throughout the calendar year. From moving into a stunning new building and bringing our teams together to create a more cohesive working environment, to working towards an improved company culture with the introduction of our core values and winning several awards thanks to the launch of our Firestay Geo LED Sustainable Modular Downlight, our 123rd year of business was one to be proud of!

The move to our new National Distribution Centre, BELL House, was an extremely significant one. As a company, we now have a headquarters which has the capacity to facilitate rapid growth, with a warehouse which can accommodate 6,588 pallet locations, with over 2,100 saleable product lines and the capability to achieve 300 despatched daily orders. The move also provided BELL with the opportunity to bring our internal teams together, creating a positive environment where our staff can help one another and provide quicker solutions to our customers.

2023 was also the year where we moved towards sustainability, introducing circular economy focussed products into our range and developing a strategy which places eco-initiatives at the centre of our thinking. With these commitments in mind, we introduced the Firestay Geo LED Sustainable Modular Downlight into the market, a product which allows for reuse and remanufacture, thanks to the Geo-Mod light module which can be returned to BELL Lighting for remanufacture at the point of failure. With a housing which is designed to remain in the ceiling for life, the product results in zero waste to landfill, and as recognition for the innovation shown, the Firestay Geo won two Electrical Contracting News Awards (Lighting Product of the Year and Smart Buildings/Sustainability Product of the Year) along with a Build Back Better Green Award.

This wasn’t our only sustainability milestone for 2023 however, as we also achieved Carbon Neutral status thanks to an immense amount of hard work from dedicated staff members who were responsible for assessing our environmental efforts and addressing areas where we needed to improve as a business. This is the first step towards reaching our Net Zero goal in the coming years.

As we move into 2024, it is now time to reevaluate and push even harder to ensure that we strive towards continuous improvement, becoming the best version of ourselves and keeping the customer experience at the forefront of everything that we do! Our goal is always to support our customers, bring the best possible products into the market, and show commitment to our status as a family business by creating the best possible working conditions for our staff.